Lokmat Announcement


Select Your Announcement Newspaper Ad Type:



Rs.1,000 / 7 Lines


Rs.840 / 7 Lines


Rs.990 / 7 Lines


Rs.340 / 7 Lines


Rs.725 / 7 Lines


Rs.850 / 7 Lines


Rs.1,150 / 7 Lines


Rs.330 / 7 Lines


Rs.285 / 7 Lines


Rs.215 / 7 Lines


Rs.180 / 7 Lines

Select A Discount Package:


Lokmat (All Editions)Covers Solapur, Thane, Aurangabad, Nasik, Ahmednagar, Solapur, Yavatmal, Delhi, Goa, Mumbai, Pune, Kolhapur, Nagpur, Jalgaon, Akola, Amrawati, Satara
Rs. 7,125

/7 Lines
Rs. 7,125
per 7 Lines
Book Now


Rs.13,500(3 x 5 cm)


Rs.6,300(3 x 5 cm)


Rs.6,495(3 x 5 cm)


Rs.4,425(3 x 5 cm)


Rs.3,720(3 x 5 cm)


Rs.3,570(3 x 5 cm)


Rs.7,020(3 x 5 cm)


Rs.1,695(3 x 5 cm)


Rs.1,620(3 x 5 cm)


Rs.1,245(3 x 5 cm)


Rs.1,425(3 x 5 cm)
Advertisement Section Publishing Days Booking Deadline
Lokmat Announcement All Days 1 day(s) Prior
Category : Change Of Address, Change Of Name, Chiranjiv Bhava, Lost,


Why place Announcement Ad in Lokmat Newspaper ?

ReleaseMyAd being the largest online newspaper ad booking service of India has formulated a booking process that consists of only 3 simple steps:

  1. The first step comprises of basic selection of ad type as Classified Text (in this case) which proceeds to the selection of the category which would be Announcements in your case. We have provided a wide range of sub categories for your ad to reach out to the most relevant readers. These sub-categories include all announcements ranging from legal announcements like Change of Address or name to religious ceremonies like Christening/Namkaran & even Auctions and Fairs/Festivals.
  2. The second and the most interesting step in your newspaper ad booking process is the Composition of your ad because that’s what drives the reader response. You can compose your message or ad in the box and magnify the advert with the help of our enhancements like background colour, ticks or even underlining the ads and then see how it appears in the newspaper of your choice through our exclusive Live Preview Ad Feature.
  3. The third or the last page requires you to simply confirm your release dates and clear the payments through our online payment mediums like Debit/Credit Cards, Net Banking (All Indian Banks) or our offline payment options such as Demand Drafts, Cheques and Cash collection from your doorstep.

The largest online newspaper Announcement Classified Display ad booking service of India has formulated a booking process that consists of only 3 simple steps:

  1. ReleaseMyAd enables you to make an easy selection of your ad type as Classified Display ads which concocts the first step of your ad booking procedure. This step also enables you to select your category and compose your ad accordingly and personalize it in your own way with our enhancements.
  2. Up next is the ‘Compose Ad’ page where you can design and decorate as well revise your ad as many times you want. You can take up one of our design templates (colored or black & white) preferably colored to grab more attention and modify it with a range of font styles, font sizes, colors and even images and logos.You can take a sneak peek of the ad composed by you with our distinctive Live Ad Preview Feature.
  3. Lastly, in order to receive an email confirmation consisting all your booking details, don’t forget to confirm your release dates and clear your payments via our online [Credit/Debit Cards & Net Banking (All Indian Banks)] or offline (Cheque Deposits, Demand Drafts & Cash Collection) payment options.

Lokmat is circulated around the following locations :

Location Circulation Cost View Details
Edition: Pune Ciculation: 3,78,527 copies Price: Rs.1000 /7 Lines
Edition: Nagpur Ciculation: 3,41,005 copies Price: Rs.840 /7 Lines
Edition: Aurangabad Ciculation: 2,92,634 copies Price: Rs.990 /7 Lines
Edition: Kolhapur Ciculation: 1,42,858 copies Price: Rs.340 /7 Lines
Edition: Jalgaon Ciculation: 1,30,264 copies Price: Rs.725 /7 Lines
Edition: Nashik Ciculation: 1,29,203 copies Price: Rs.850 /7 Lines
Edition: Mumbai Ciculation: 1,28,100 copies Price: Rs.1150 /7 Lines
Edition: Akola Ciculation: 67,312 copies Price: Rs.330 /7 Lines
Edition: Solapur Ciculation: 60,403 copies Price: Rs.285 /7 Lines
Edition: Ahmednagar Ciculation: 48,363 copies Price: Rs.215 /7 Lines
Edition: Goa Ciculation: 19,352 copies Price: Rs.180 /7 Lines

Booking Process

How To Compose Your Announcement Ad In Lokmat To Get Maximum Response ?

People use announcement ads to communicate news of an event or a piece of information that is a requirement by law, or to reach out to a large number of people at once where communicating individually may turn out to be too cumbersome a process. Here is why you should book announcement ads in newspapers:

  1. Fulfilment of Legal Obligations
    • For certain events or scenarios, an announcement ad in a newspaper is often a legal requirement so that the public is informed. Publishing announcement ads in newspapers helps to fulfil this legal requirement.
  2. Dissemination of Information
    • Announcement advertisements help to provide and circulate information and in turn spread awareness.
  3. Targeting a Niche Audience
    • Sometimes people would use announcement advertisements to get a message across to a smaller, specific audience.
  4. Reaches a Wide Audience
    • Announcement advertisements are highly effective in reaching out to a large audience. They make getting a message across to a large number of people easy and hassle-free.
  5. Wide Coverage of Newspapers
    • In India, newspapers are read by a large number of people in cities and villages across the length and breath of the country. Newspapers are read by people from all walks of life.

Sample Ads For Lokmat Announcement :

Lost identity proof - LOST my (Lost Item/ Person) around (Location) on (Date/Time). If (Found/Seen) Please contact: 0000000000.
Sample 1: Name Change - I (Old Name) S/O (Father's Name) born on (Date of Birth) residing at (Full Address), have changed my name to (New Name) vide affidavit dated (Affidavit date) at (Place).
Sample 2: Name Change - I (your old name) S/O or D/O or W/O (fathers name or husbands name) R/O of (your home address) shall henceforth be known as (your new name) affidavit no (XXXXXX) sworn before notary (notary name) dated (date).
Land Deed Missing - This is to bring to your kind notice that, (Name), s/o (Name) Address: (Address), our Land Deed is Missing (from/since) (Date). If found kindly return to the above address.
Lost Certificate - I (Name) have lost my Original Pass Certificate of HS year (Year) Roll no. ABC/12345 Matric Board. If Found Please Contact: 0000000000.
Sample 3: Name Change - I, (Old Name) S/O (Father's Name) born on (Date of Birth) residing at (Full Address), have changed my name to (New Name) vide affidavit dated (Affidavit date) at (Place).
Change of Name (Marathi) - मी, (जुने नाव) D/O मोहन कृष्णा हारोडे, राहणार भूतेश्वर नगर, लाल शाळे जवळ, गंगाबाई घाट रोड, नागपूर- ०२, दि. २७.०८.२०१८ रोजीच्या शपथपत्र क्र. ४०७ ऑफ ८/२०१८ प्रमाणे माझे नाव बदलून (नवीन नाव) केलेले आहे.
Form Lost (Marathi) - 11 ऑक्टोबर, 2017 रोजी दुपारी 2 वाजता एम जी रोड डोंबबीवली पश्चिम वर माझा फॉर्म ई एक्स एन45 गमावला, आढळले तर संपर्क करा (व्यक्तीचे नाव) 000000000

Ad Tips

Ad Composing Tips

  • If it is an announcement for lost items Mention the item and details related to which is lost you can also add location where you have lost your item.
  • If it is an announcement for change in your name then clearly mention old name and a new name in the ad matter.
  • If it is an announcement related to change in your address or DOB please mention the corrections done clearly.
  • For any declaration related ad you can also mention the affidavit no./ complaint id/ receipt no. within the ad text.
  • In the case of any event announcement please explain the details properly with the location of the event to receive a good response.
  • Mention proper address or phone no if required.